
Pomi-T® is rich in plant polyphenols and phytochemicals found naturally within four whole foods.
Diets rich in polyphenols, the natural plant-based phytochemicals found in healthy foods, have been linked with lower risks of chronic illnesses such as dementia, high cholesterol, arthritis, heart disease, skin ageing and macular degeneration.
Well-conducted population studies have also linked their regular intake with lower risks of many cancers including breast, pancreatic, oesophageal, ovarian, prostate, and skin cancer.
The anti-cancer effects of polyphenols, however, do not stop after a diagnosis of cancer. Breast cancer survivors eating polyphenol-rich fruit, vegetables, soy and green tea were found to have lower relapse rates.
Individuals with skin cancer, who had a high intake of leafy green vegetables and broccoli, had lower rates of new cancer formation. A healthy lifestyle including a polyphenol rich diet has been linked to a slower rate of PSA progression amoung men with indolent prostate cancer.

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